Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good News for Natomas

Thanks to the hard work of community leaders the North Natomas Finance Plan went forward today and was supported by about a dozen speakers - no one opposed - and the City Council voted unanimously to support the plan.

The community worked with developers and with the highest City officials (Mayor Johnson and Manager Kerridge) to compromise and balance a budget on tangible dollars - addressing a complete solution to the previously fatally flawed NNFP.

Mayor Johnson thanked us for our hard work.

As a result of these efforts we will get our fire station on the west side of I-5. Its build out will be expedited.

We worked hard to protect the revenue sources intended to stabilize our community - we found other funding to complete the North Natomas library and we found money for a community center and the top transportation project in our region - an over-cross at El Centro.

In the future we will also be able to build a police sub-station and other transportation related projects.

This advancement was a great success for Natomas and while the NNFP is still not perfect it is much improved from where it was back in October.

Definitely cause for celebration as we right the ship and move our region closer to its potential.

Good job,
Angelique Ashby, JD
President, Creekside Neighborhood Association
Co Founder, Natomas Crime & Safety Leadership Team

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