Sunday, October 28, 2007

Creekside Fair Keeps Getting Better

Several hundred Creekside friends and neighbors came out to Kokomo Park today for the biggest and best Creekside Neighborhood Fair yet. Residents were greeted to a host of festivities including live music, face painting, costume contest, photos with Slamson, rock climbing and more. Community groups and city organizations also lined the park with booths and volunteers eager share information and engage in dialogue with residents about community services, neighborhood watch, plans for our parks, schools and a range of other issues facing us here in Creekside.

This year's event was also a great jump start for the newly elected board of directors for the Creekside Neighborhood Association (CNA). Thanks to all who stopped by and visited the CNA booth. It was a pleasure discussing some of the recent accomplishments of the association and hearing your thoughts about the issues that are of greatest concern to you. For those of you that signed up, we will be sending you updates on the association's progress as we work with community and city officials to make Creekside an even better place to live. We will also be sending you regular invitations to our monthly association meeting. Monthly meetings are a great way to meet your neighbors, share your thoughts and concerns in person, and hear from our local community and government leaders about the work they are doing to address our issues.

A lot of time, energy and hard work went into organizing this year's event. We give many thanks to community leaders, city officials, organizers and volunteers whose efforts and support made this year's Fair a success!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share Natomas with everyone here. You can virtual tours of all of our Natomas Parks and schools here on the

Anonymous said...

You write very well.