Thursday, October 26, 2006

Creekside Community Fair A Success

To the Neighbors and Friends of Creekside,

Thank you for making this year's Community Fair a huge success! The day was filled with games, contests, music and prizes. Most importantly, it was a great chance to mingle with neighbors and community leaders to talk about what makes Creekside a great place to live, as well as what we would all like to see improve.

Thank you to our city and county officials like Councilmember Ray Tretheway, as well as law enforcement officials like officer McCray for spending the day hearing the concerns (and praise) of our neighbors.

Thank you to Lewis Communities for your constant support and dedication to the neighborhood. We are fortunate to have such a generous and committed partners.

For those of you who stopped by the Creekside Neighborhood Association (CNA) booth, it was a joy to speak with so many of you who had positive things to say about the work the association is doing. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts about the neighborhood and ways we can work together to improve it. I hope to see all of you at our next neighborhood meeting, the 3rd Wednesday of each month!

Click Here to View Photos (Courtesy of Sacramento Virtual Home Tours)

We have made some real strides in Creekside, but there is so much work yet to be done. Since we are a 100% volunteer group, it will take the efforts of all of us working together to see more progress made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job everyone! I appreciated learning more about the neighborhood and would like to see more events hosted in the neighborhood. The poll ideas are great and I think are all things we should try to do, even if they are small at first.

I'm happy to host an evening wine night, who else is in?