Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Creekside Pride

Creekside is a community of wonderful diversity and promise. And it is wonderful to see so many neighbors taking pride in our community. However, it only takes the actions of a few individuals to ruin the efforts of the group. We all have to do our part to make this community the safe, clean, and beautiful place it can be.
Why are neighborhoods like Land Park, East Sacramento and Natomas Park such desirable places to live? Why have the home values in those communities continued to climb while those in our community have leveled off and dropped? It is because the residents in those neighborhoods have set a standard for their community that inspires it to be great. They have made a commitment to doing a few "little things" that make a big difference.
Help Creekside become the community we know it can be by doing a few of these "little things."
  1. Maintain your lawn and property. This is the single biggest statement a community says about its character, its values, and its pride. Overgrown lawns and weeds are not only a haven for unwanted pests, but are also a significant fire hazard.
  2. Park in your garage (or at least your driveway). Vehicles parked on the side of the street can obstruct the view of small children playing.
  3. Obey speed limits and traffic signs.
  4. Keep noise levels down after 10pm. Our properties are just feet apart from each other, and the sound carries easily into the homes of others. Especially on beautiful summer nights when we open our windows to let the warm breezes in. Respect your neighbors by keeping the noise down.
  5. Keep parks and public spaces clean. We are fortunate to have beautifully landscaped parks and trails surrounding our community. Encourage your entire family to use trash and recycle bins.

This section is something we are going to call "Creekside Pride." Take a moment to share the things that you see happening in our community that make you feel proud to call this place home.


Anonymous said...

Why do some people not care at all about mowing the front lawn? Some of the homes and yards are really beautiful, but the efforts of those homeowners is negated by the people who don't care.
It's too bad because we have such a great neighborhood in terms of location and diversity.
We should be proud and show it!
Thanks for having this site - I feel like I have a voice now...

Anonymous said...

I wish the investors that are in our community would be more involved in their investment by making sure that their tenants take care of their lawns. Overgrown bushes, weeds and lawns are an eye sore.

Anonymous said...

Is the association gathering a name and phone number of each resident and owner? I think that would be a good way to address these issues. If it is a rented house, we can then call the owner. Maybe a survey. It would take a neighborhood effort like the census to make sure everyone filled them out but it could be valuable, a way to connect with neighbors, and address community concerns.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who lives in Natomas Park and her association passes out letters to houses that don't cut their grass, leave their bins out, or other violation. Usually, within a day of the letter the problem is taken care of. I think our association should just put a letter on doors of violating homes with the code violation or CCR violation, letting the house know they will be reported to code enforcement and potentially face a substantial fine, and that will make a big difference for many of these issues.

Anonymous said...

The phone numbers posted on this site include code enforcement and parking enforcement. Everyone needs to start calling everytime they see a violation. I started doing just that. Instead of just driving around complaining to my wife, I now take down license plate numbers and home addresses and report the problems to the city. BTW Under City Code section 17.68.010 residents are supposed to landscape, irrigate and maintain their front yards. Lets start calling city whenever we see an overgrown lawn an abandoned or illegally parked car! It is up to us.

Anonymous said...

It's very sad to walk down the streets of Creekside. The weeds, the burned grasses and parked cars everywhere. If you just enter the natomas park area everything changes to nice and taken care of. Why do we have a sad neighborhood. Maybe because of all the renters? There is not a lot of pride in the creekside area.

Anonymous said...

Overgrown lawns is my biggest pet peeve in Creekside. I would support some type of code enforcement. There is one house on Winamac that has a "Rent to Own" that has jungle growing on the lawn. Really makes me want to move in.

Anonymous said...

I'm a resident on Mahaska Way who enjoys the tranquility and beauty of our wonderful neighborhood.
My single biggest complaint is the LOUD, MODIFIED SCOOTER, MOTORHEAD who lives at 2916! It's not difficult to see who you are everyone can hear you inside their house! You are rudely waking up our kids and causing major havoc on our streets! Exercise some common decency for once! But that is probably too much to ask for because you don't even listen to the officers who are continuously warning you about disrupting the peace and illegally riding on the street! I encourage your parents to handle this situation because you are trampling on my very last nerve! Just QUIT IT- THIS IS NOT YOUR RACE TRACK!

Anonymous said...

You're right, this isnt a race track. So please everyone quit driving on our streets like it is! Someone's child is going to be hit and killed if people dont SLOW DOWN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its that holiday time of year again! Let's recognize those homes that are beautifully decorated for the holiday season! After all the negative, lets focus on some positive in our neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

creekside is a dump. I moved out because it is now ghetto. Face it people, it's a sinking ship. Too many nefarious characters.

Anonymous said...

I find the last comment very offensive. There are alot of people who are really trying to make this community a better place. Good for you that you moved out if you weren't happy. But I really think its unnecessary for you come on this website after you are gone and make negative comments. And in talking to my friends in Natomas Park, with the exception of the lawn issue, they have many of the same problems we do.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the last blogger. Whomever made that comment has clearly never lived in a real "ghetto". To compare this beautiful, relatively upscale, priveleged neighborhood to places where people are really having tough times and don't have the benefit of new schools, new parks, and manicured public spaces is extremely closed minded.

As a resident of Creekside since it's inception in 2003, I have seen many ups and downs in the community also. However, I am really encouraged to see that through it all, there has been a devoted group of neighbors who really care about the community and have worked extremely hard to make it a place we can all be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Last night we had a wonderful 4th of July gathering on Naponee Court. It was fantastic, it really felt great to be surrounded by my neighbors, I really felt a sense of community. Thanks Angelique for the great idea!